#PRFest 2021 Welcome!

This week we’re on a bit of a journey, using three different platforms to bring #PRFest to your desk, couches or wherever you choose to participate and tune in!

For the Zoom events, we’d asked you to pre-register on Zoom so there is a seamless and safe entry.

Here’s the schedule once again, plus links to take you directly to the event, on the day. Just click on the bold text to take you straight to the Zoom event:

Monday, 14 June – Society

Today we’ll be taking a look at the impact of PR and communication on society and in particular, learning’s from the last 18 months.

9.45amLaura Sutherland – welcome
10-11amCOVID’s impact on communication to society
4-5pmCoping with short shelf-life of trends
(Log into Instagram with your own account and when you see “PRFest Live” hit the circle!)
6-6.45pmA Leader Like Me 
(Log into Instagram with your own account and when you see “PRFest Live” hit the circle!)

Tuesday, 15 June – Corporate Social Innovation

Today we’ll be looking at how innovation can have a positive impact as well as develop a business/organisation.

10-11amSocial innovation is an inevitable part of business
1-2pmDigital transformation and human behaviour –
Twitter Spaces – Follow @ThePRFest

Wednesday, 16 June – Planet

As strategic advisors, we have a role to play in ensuring our clients and organisations are thinking of global challenges and the part they can play. Today we’ll be talking predicting disasters and the climate crisis.

1-2PMUnder represented voices of the climate crisis
4-5pmTool up, up skill and be strategic advisors
(Log into Instagram with your own account and when you see “PRFest Live” hit the circle!)
6-7pmHow risk assessments can predict global disasters – tweetchat @ThePRFest #PRFest

Thursday, 17 June – Work

Work isn’t just a place, it’s also what we do, what we buy into, what we create. Today we’ll be looking at lots of different aspects of the future of work.

11-11.45Is the future of work working for yourself?
(Log into Instagram with your own account and when you see “PRFest Live” hit the circle!)
12-1pmTop challenges the PR industry faces
4-5pmOrganisational culture in a hybrid world
6-7pmTake or Leave?

Friday, 18 June – Next Generation

Every day this week, the next generation has played a role, as we need to be working with them now, to help shape the future.

Today we’ll be looking at tech, skills, training AND one lucky attendee will win a free one-hour training session with Isobel Camier!

10-11amHow future tech is changing PR for the next generation
12-1pmYouth marketing report ’21 trends
2.30-3.15Skills for the future PR leader
4-4.45Developing people – why training matters Q&A
5-5.15PRFest 2021 round-up, actions and what next